Annual fee
ISK 12,500
Annual fee for extra card
ISK 7,500
Travel insurance
Gold insurance
Special offers

Why choose a Gold Credit Card?

  • Special offers from Fríða

  • Gold travel insurance

  • Emergency 24 hour service

  • International and strong Credit Card

  • ATM withdrawal limit is ISK 100,000. per day / total of card authorization during a card period

Before you apply

  • Applicants must be 18 years or over
  • A credit assessment is carried out when you apply

Dis­count of an­nual fee

Discount terms are based on turnover on the card* for the last 12 months before payment of annual fee.

25% discount

50% discount

1,200,000 ISK

2,800,000 ISK

*com­mon turnover on primary and sec­ond­ary cards

Gold travel insur­ance

Our Gold Credit Card offers Gold travel insurance that you can trust when you are abroad. The insurance company VÍS is responsible for Íslandsbanki's credit card insurance. Visit the VÍS website for more information.

Sec­ond­ary cards

With a secondary card you pay a lower annual fee but receive the same benefits.

The primary and secondary card holders gather combined turnover on the cards for the criteria of the annual discount. There is also less management with a primary card and an extra card, as only the primary card holder will be issued a bill.

Apply for an secondary card (in Icelandic)