Standard Credit Card

A cost-effective credit card option with all the right perks

Annual fee without insurance
ISK 2,150
Annual fee for extra card
ISK 1,290
Prepaid available
Special offers

Why choose a Standard Credit Card?

  • Ideal first credit card

  • Cheap and easy

  • Traditional or prepaid

  • Special offers from Fríða

  • ATM withdrawal limit is ISK 50,000. per day / total of card authorization during a card period

Additional card

With a secondary card, you pay a lower annual fee but receive the same benefits.

The primary and secondary cardholders can combine their card turnovers to qualify for the annual discount. Managing a primary and secondary card is easier because only the primary cardholder receives the bill.

Apply for a secondary card (in Icelandic)

Prepaid secondary card

Secondary card

Before you apply

Children between the ages of 13 and 17 can apply for a secondary card on the prepaid credit card of a guardian

  • Applicants must be 18 years or over
  • A credit assessment is carried out when you apply
  • A credit assessment gives access to the defaulters list, Creditinfo and other databases

Dis­count of an­nual fee

Discount terms are determined by the turnover on the card* during the preceding 12 months before the annual fee is paid.

25% discount

50% discount

100% discount

ISK 550,000

ISK 1,100,000

ISK 1,700,000

*com­mon turnover on primary and secondary cards