IS Equity Fund

IS Equity Fund is an investment fund that invests in domestic equities or other equity-linked financial instruments and  is suitable for investors who wish to invest for five years or more and can tolerate significant fluctuations.

Nominal return

Holding period

Fluctuation in returns

out of 7

Scale of risk and fluctuations in returns

  • 74.5% Listed Equities
  • 0% Unlisted equities
  • 8.3% Funds (Other)
  • 0% Derivatives
  • 16.8% Icelandic Equities abroad
  • 0.4% Cash

Last changed: 01.10.2024

Fund Objective

The Fund's objective is long-term capital growth. It aims to outperform the OMXIGI index.

Who should invest?

This Fund is suitable for investors who wish to invest in funds for five years or more and can tolerate significant fluctuations. The Fund restricts the number of holdings in its portfolio with an aim to enhance performance. The relatively low number of companies included in the portfolio can mean that high returns of individual companies lead to sizeable price increases.The Fund is suitable for investors seeking to invest for two years or longer.

Price history

Fees & Transaction orders

Minimum deposit
ISK 10,000
Minimum subscription
ISK 5,000
Purchase fee
Online banking and app discount
Subscription discount
Annual management fee
Service charge
ISK 1,000
Online banking and app discount
2 business days (T+2)
Cut off time
15:00 GMT

Further information about the fund

Management company
Fund manager
Mogens G. Mogensen
Summary of fund returns
Tariff of charges for investment services


General disclaimer regarding investment in funds

Investments in financial instruments always entail financial risks, such as the risk of little or no return or total loss of capital. Past performance is neither an indication nor a guarantee of future returns. Risk increases if the investment is financed by credit and returns can increase or decrease due to exchange rate volatility if assets are in foreign currency. Taxation of funds is assessed on an individual basis in accordance with current legislation and is subject to change.

Investors are advised to familiarise themselves with the available information on funds, including key information on risk factors, investment authorisations and the use of derivatives. Non-UCITs funds have broader investment authorisations than UCITs and can therefore entail more risk. Information on the funds is obtained from Íslandssjódir hf., which is the funds’ management company and a subsidiary of Íslandsbanki hf.

Information on this site is intended for information purposes only and should not be considered as an offer or advice on the purchase, sale or other allocation of certain financial instruments. The source of this information is considered reliable, but the accuracy or validity of the information cannot be guaranteed. The bank reserves the right to make changes to this information at any given time.

Exchange rate developments and returns

A fund management fee is included in the daily calculation of each fund’s exchange rate. Return for 12-month periods or longer is calculated on an annual basis. Shorter periods are not calculated on an annual basis but show price change instead. Return is based on the latest price listed and portrayed in the base currency of each fund.