
This news is more than six months old

Reports published by Íslandsbanki for 2023

Íslandsbanki has published two reports on its activities in 2023: the Annual and Sustainability Report and the Pillar 3 Risk Report.

Annual and Sustainability Report for 2023
Íslandsbanki publishes an integrated Annual and Sustainability Report which gives a solid overview of the Bank's activities, operations and strategy in 2023. The sustainability part of the report highlights the sustainability milestones reached in 2023 as well as providing insight into the Bank's objectives on its continued sustainability journey. The Sustainability Statement for 2023 furthermore contains a more detailed breakdown of ESG information as well as sections on organizational and operational boundaries, methodology and definitions. Auditing firm Deloitte was engaged to review and provide limited assurance for the Bank's sustainability disclosures for 2023. The Sustainability Statement is presented, like previous years, in line with ESG guidelines issued by Nasdaq Iceland.

Pillar 3 Risk Report
The Risk Report is published in English. Its purpose is to satisfy legal information disclosure requirements and provide market agents and other interested parties with information aimed at enhancing understanding of the Bank's risk management.

The above-mentioned reports are available here. Additionally, the 2023 Sustainability Statement is available here.