
This news is more than six months old

Íslandsbanki issues senior preferred bonds in NOK and SEK

Íslandsbanki has today concluded the sale of 2-year SEK 800m and 3-year NOK 1,400m floating rate senior preferred bonds. The bonds were priced at a spread of 425bp over 3-month STIBOR and 475bp over 3-month NIBOR.

Íslandsbanki has today concluded the sale of 2-year SEK 800m and 3-year NOK 1,400m floating rate senior preferred bonds.   The bonds were priced at a spread of 425bp over 3-month STIBOR and 475bp over 3-month NIBOR.

The bonds will be issued under the Bank’s EMTN programme and are expected to be admitted to trading on the Irish Stock Exchange on 18 November 2022.

Information on Íslandsbanki’s USD 2,500,000,000 EMTN programme and its supplements are available at:

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