Other key upward-pushing items in December are other goods and services, up 1% (0.07% CPI effect); health, up 1% (0.04%); and clothing and footwear, up 0.9% (0.04%).
Two items declined between measurements: furniture and housewares, which fell 1.3% (-0.08%), owing mainly to a drop in electronic equipment prices, and postal and telephone services, which fell for the fourth month in a row, this time by 1.1% (-0.02%).
The inflation outlook
These most recent inflation figures are good news indeed. Inflation is falling faster than we had assumed, and the average for the year looks set to clock in at 8.7%. We expect it to keep tapering off in coming months, and quite quickly at that. We have revised our housing market forecast for the next few months, as we now think the recent price hikes will start to lose steam. Nevertheless, this does not change our preliminary forecast to any radical degree. According to our preliminary forecast, the CPI will rise 0.4% in January, 0.8% in February, and 0.5% in March. If this forecast is borne out, twelve-month inflation will measure 6.6% in March. As these figures show, headline inflation will fall briskly despite a continued rise in the CPI, as large monthly rises from H1/2023 drop out of twelve-month measurements.