Financial calendar

Financial statements

Íslandsbanki plans to publish its interim and annual financial statements according to the following dates:

  • 23 October 2024 - Interim financial results 3Q24

Please note that the dates are subject to change.

Third quarter 2024

  • 1 October 2024 - Pre-close call 3Q24
  • 9 October 2024 - Analyst consensus 3Q24published
  • 2 October 2024 - Silent period 3Q24 starts
  • 23 October 2024 - Interim financial results 3Q24

Silent Periods

Íslandsbanki observes a 'quiet period' for 21 calendar days prior to the publication of interim and full year financial results. This means they will not comment on the Bank’s non-disclosed financial performance or outlook during meetings with investors, analysts, and/or other market participants. The Bank will not make presentations at financial conferences, nor will it hold discussions/conference calls with investors, analysts and/or other market participants where non-disclosed financial performance or expectations are discussed. Please visit Financials for further information on Íslandsbanki’s interim and annual financial accounts.

Due to the Annual General Meeting

Shareholders shall submit matters and / or proposals to be considered at the meeting no later than two weeks before the meeting in accordance with Article 88. Act on Public Limited Companies no. 2/1995. Candidates for the Board of Directors shall notify their candidacy in writing no later than five days before the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Article 63. a. the same law.